Geoscience Australia
During my time at Geoscience Australia, I engaged in a wide variety of print and digital design projects, some of which you can find below. Throughout my projects, communication and teamwork were pivotal to success. I learned so much from my fellow designers, not only in tangible design skills, but also in how to be a designer and all the skills that entails, like client relations, working with printers, and managing timelines.
Aside from the tangible skills in typesetting, layout, branding, printing, and stakeholder engagement, I’ve also had the opportunity to pursue various workplace innovations. I spearheaded an intiative to learn and integrate InCopy and CC Libraries into our design workflow, which sped up processes significantly and allowed for greater cross-discipline teamwork with various teams in the organization.
300+ Brand Pictograms
Diggers and Dealers - Kalgoorlie Conference
Good Oil - Perth Conference
Mines and Money - London Conference
Fabric Media Walls
Australia's Identified Mineral Resources 2023
Australian Mineral Exploration Review 2023
People and Culture Strategy 2028
Promotional Flyers
Earthquake Safety Books
Education Posters
Specialty Card Awards
Specialty Acrylic Awards