Urban Grind
For this project I wanted to not only create a brand identity in a style I’m not overly accustomed to, but I also wanted to create high-quality examples of how that brand could be adapted to various real-world executions. In the case of Urban Grind, I wanted to lean into a grungy, punk-rock, brutalist style which emphasised a photocopied, DIY aesthetic.
This involved creating a brand identity document for future designs, as well as figuring out what examples would be required for a cafe/bar (such as menus, takeaway cups, and event posters).
Overall I’m very happy with how this brand has turned out, and I think the mockups really help bring the style to life. It was challenging to un-learn certain aspects of my design training in order to create the ‘DIY’ feeling, but I think I’ve found a good middle ground where the design is ordered and follows rules of hierarchy, consistency, and refined assets, while still keeping an off kilter, ‘I made this poster in my basement and printed it at the library’ style.
Brand Logo
Business Card
Storefront Signage
Street Specials
Coffee Van
Event Poster
Gig Posters
Social Media Branding
Food + Drink Packaging
Branded T-Shirts
Branded Tote Bag